Unborn Jesus

Holy Innocents Virtual Mausoleum

Unborn Jesus
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us!
Frigato Mattia, non nato, aborto spontaneo alla 20° settimana di gravidanza. Avvenuta il 1/10/1995 a Chioggia (VE) Italia
Innocenza è stata uccisa nel ventre della mamma che temeva nascesse con una malformazione al cervello. Che mamma premurosa: ha voluto evitare alla figlia una vita di sofferenza...e l'ha uccisa dopo sette mesi dal concepimento!
Frigato Andrea, aborto interno alla 5° settimana di gravidanza
Ti volevo già bene. Ora in cielo ho 2 angeli che mi aspettano. Vi amo tanto Mamma Monia. Rovigo Italia
Prega il Signore della Vita, o carissimo angelo, perché illumini i cuori di tante mamme che non capiscono ancora il loro ruolo e la bellezza di ciò a cui sono chiamate! Pace........ ........diacono Gianpiero
Amore mio resterai sempre nel mio cuore, quanto vorrei poterti abbracciare e coccolare!!Quando verrò in cielo potremo stare insieme per sempre e coccolarci. Nel frattempo ti porto nel mio cuore. Mamma
Per Flavio, un bambino morto acciodentalmente prima di nascere,er caduta acciodentale della mamma..si sarebbe chiamato Flavio ed e' morto tre mesi prima della nascita.
La Famiglia si Ciamava Francesco Franchina il papa' (ora defunto) - Anna Rota la mamma (ora defunta) Il caso si riferisce a 30 anni fa... - Io sono la sorella Ester. Grazie, a presto.
nome: angel morto: 26 08 2003 per aborto Italia
I ' ll love you forever.Forgive me.
Unborn baby about 4 weeks to 6 weeks Estrella Jimenez date of abortion July 1 1996. My dear baby: Mommy should have never gave in. I was so weak and confused. I love you much and I miss you much. I pray God to keep you by His side.
As you are about to have a brother now Mommy will take good care of your brother. You are up there watching over us, be peacefull Mommy will see you one day in the future Love you always my baby Mommy
Nel honor al fratellino di mia madre, Mario, morto nel 1922 a otto giorni dalla nascita.
Bimbo amore mio; della famiglia Varga Haszonits. Aborto nel mese di maggio 1999. Dopo tre mesi di gestazione a Madrid.
La mamma ti pensa e ti vuole bene ,e ti chiede perdono ,sapendo che ti riabbraccerà e ti darà il suo amore quando vi riincontriate nel cielo,ti penso sempre amore mio.
In loving memory of my brother or sister who should have been born in 1994.
Jesse, you'll always be in my heart. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, but I know I'll see you with Jesus. You're in my thoughts and prayers every day. I love you, Sarah.
En honor a cuatro almas de cuatro niños a los que yo consentí que mataran. José Angel.
In honor of Drew Aguilera Loza. He was a tubal pregnancy and the first grandchild on both sides. He was about 6 weeks old. He died in March, 2003. Elva Buchanan ~ O ~
In honor of my Daughter Alicia Lynn Miller who was stillborn at 41 weeks of pregnancy.
We Love you and Give you to Jesus to hold until we see you again! ~ O ~
My baby was not named. I think I would have called him Matthew. He was aborted in April 1987. Forgive me Matthew for denying you the most precious gift of life.
I pray that you are safe with God and the angels.I was conquered by fear. Please forgive me. I think of you constantly. Perhaps, with God's forgiveness, we will meet again!
Dear Lord, I have 1 beautiful healthy little girl that you have given me and I love her to bits, and there's not
1 day that goes by and I don't look at her and think how lucky I am - she's the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and I. Since the birth of my daughter I have had 2 early miscarriages and I do believe deep down that this has happened for a reason and I put my trust in you. What I would like to do today is pray for my 2 losses and to let them know that no matter how young they were e
that they will always hold a special place in my heart and that I will always go on loving them like they werhere with me. I feel lost sometimes but I believe that you will know and tell mw when the time is right for another. I just want to thank you Lord for being always there to listen to me in my difficult times and I only say that it feels good to write it down. I put my trust in you lord and hope and pray that I will go on to have more beautiful healthy children. Please go on protecting all my loved ones. Amen. Tanks, Pauline.
Unborn Baby Wells, died before birth in 1993 (ectopic pregnancy) - I never knew you, yet I knew you so well. I love you and I miss you.
Unborn Baby Wells, died before birth in 1997 (ectopic pregnancy) - I never knew you, I could never have you. I love you and I miss you.
Bimbo mio della famiglia Varga Haszonits. Abortato il giorno 31/12/ 2000, tre mesi di gestazione a Madrid.
La mamma ti pensa sempre e ti porta nel supo cuore e ti chiede perdono con lacertezza di poterti dare il suo amore un giorno nel cielo,ti voglio bene bimbo mio.
Baby Murray died on memorial day weekend due to an abortion. United States of America.
This baby's mother underwent a D&C abortion because the baby's heartbeat was "too slow and they said the baby might have something wrong." She said that her and her husband were "okay with it because we already have one boy and one girl and thats all we need." Let us all pray for this innocent baby and the prolife conversion of his or her parents.
Steven Howe Jr. died at the age of 10-11 weeks preborn on April 15, 2004 due to an abortion. United States of America.
LIttle Steven, your life was taken from you so brutally and way too soon. We tried so hard to save you. May you know that there is many of us down on earth that love you and I pray that our Holy Mother Mary, Jesus, and all the Angels watch over you in heaven. Pray for your mama and daddy, Steven. Love, Mommy's friend
In honor of Alfredo Luke Vazquez, born: onOctober 12, 2000 and died on November 20, 2000 from Hydenencephaly. "We miss you so much, Luke, and I'll never forget holding you close to me.
I thank you for choosing us to be your parents. We were so lucky. And I thank God, for bringing you to us, you taught us so much about love. My heart will ache for you until I see you again in Jesus' arms. I love you, baby, Mommy
Il giorno 09/07/04 è volato via, nel candore del cielo, un piccolo angelo, frutto dell'amore fra mia moglie Francesca e me, il suo papà Gilberto. L'ho visto morto, così piccolo, poco umano come aspetto, ma terribilmente umano per il dolore e lo sconforto che ho provato nel vederlo
senza vita, senza diritto nemmeno ad una piccola bara, senza diritto di compassione. Ma io, quel piccolo esserino, già lo sentivo parte del mio cuore, e volevo fargli sapere che rimarrà per sempre. Arrivederci figlio mio, tuo papà Gilberto. ITALIA
Luigi aborto interno alla 7° settimana. Italia
Hai acceso una speranza nel mio cuore e quello di papà. Ti vogliamo bene ma avrai deciso che non era il momento giusto per scendere tra noi e i tuoi fratelli. Ti stringo forte. Mamma Ada.
Gostaria que fosse adicionado o seguinte bebe:Chama-se Lucas Andrade Albuquerque.Sua morte foi aborto.Essa criança é do Brasil. ~ O ~
Welcome to the Orchid Garden
Rachel Veronica, died in 1988 from a heart ailment aged 16 days - I knew you for 16 days, to you it was a lifetime. I love you and I miss you.
Amber Huff (unborn daughter of Denice Huff) Died at 7 1/2 months pre-born
Michael Lenz III (unborn son of Carrie Lenz) Died at 6 months pre-born
In memoriam Gregory Driver (unborn son of Sheila Driver) Died at 6 months pre-born.
All died in their mothers wombs from a terrorist attack-The Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19, 199. Gone but never forgotten..... Even though you were not counted among those 168 who died 9 years ago, you still are special to all of us. May you rest in peace in your mommies arms and in Jesus' care.
In memory of the sons I lost to miscarriage and abortion I live with your memory everyday. Forgive me my sons... Mama
In honor to Unborn Baby Judd who died in the1950's from a natural miscarriage.
To my unborn aunt, who I will never meet in this life: I love you, and I know that you are with our Blessed Mother, because my grandmother dreamed of you after you had left her womb. I pray that someday I may be able to meet you in heaven. Love, your niece, Alison - Mommy.
In memory of Judith (Natural miscarriage)
I wait for the day to see your precious face in heave so we may praise God together forever in heaven California, USA
My little unborn baby does not have a chosen name yetHe died on January 1977 due to an Abortion-D&C in the first tri-mester.
I was approximately 2 1/2 mos. pregnant. I am sorry and ashamed to say that I ... had unprotected and unsafe sex and latter an abortion I was 18 years old, just graduated and came from a very critical and verbally abusive family therefore I felt trapped with no help, advice or moral support; to compound things and make them worse, I went to Planned Parenthood to seek guidance in a darkened room, by a very non-caring, impersonal older lady who when I told her I wanted to keep
the baby or give it up for adoption said to "be realistic" and told me abortion was my only option. Also, the procedure was EXTREMELY painful, I have never forgotten it and never will, and the very insensitive doctor after the procedure told me it was a boy, had blonde hair and blue eyes.....I have never forgotten that. I would never recommend an abortion or going to Planned Parenthood for advice and help. I wish I had done something different. Thankfully, God graced me with two sons later in life that are now grown and have children of their own. Nola Crenshaw
Mi bebé Patricia Madoery, murió el 21 de octubre de 1980, a los 9 meses de gestación por mala praxis
Soy de San Francisco, en la provincia de Córdoba, República Argentina. Gracias
Pido al nonato Jesús llene de Paz y serenidad el corazón de mi madre que aún llora sin decirlo por la perdida de un ~ O ~
bebito M.A.S.Z, que murió antes de nacer, (varon) sería mi hermano del medio tendría más de 40 años. ~ O ~
Little unborn John-Paul Michael Gomez Jr. die at 11 weeks old on 09/11/1997 due to an Abortion To my precious baby: I am so sorry for what I have done. I regret this every day that I have lived since. I will never forgive
myself for this. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I was so confused and young and I trusted your father's assurance that it was the right thing to do!! I should have been strong!!!!! I am so sorry. ~ O ~
El pequeño Moisés murió en 1961 a los 4 meses de gestación, por causa de un aborto involuntario, cuando mamá hizo un esfuerzo al separarnos a mi hermana y a que estábamos peleando.( era un precioso niño )
Perdóname pequeño ángel, yo no me puedo perdonar.Nunca te olvidé. Espero que Dios juegue contigo y te duerma en sus brazos.Te quiero. Tu hermana.
Little unborn Christopher Micheal Mikai Gregory die at 13 weeks old on 1-10-05 due to an Abortion (murdered). I love you my unborn son...I was
forced to sign away your life on a little slip of paper and for that I will pay for the rest of my life...Even though I am very young I feel you know I could have given you everything and more...I hope you forgive me for the pain I caused you...I love you my baby boy... ~ O ~
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Unborn Jesus
Unborn Jesus

Holy Innocents

Virtual Mausoleum

The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us! Welcome to the Orchid Garden
Frigato Mattia, non nato, aborto spontaneo alla 20° settimana di gravidanza. Avvenuta il 1/10/1995 a Chioggia (VE) Italia
Amore mio resterai sempre nel mio cuore, quanto vorrei poterti abbracciare e coccolare!!Quando verrò in cielo potremo stare insieme per sempre e coccolarci. Nel frattempo ti porto nel mio cuore. Mamma
Frigato Andrea, aborto interno alla 5° settimana di gravidanza
Ti volevo già bene. Ora in cielo ho 2 angeli che mi aspettano. Vi amo tanto Mamma Monia. Rovigo Italia
Innocenza è stata uccisa nel ventre della mamma che temeva nascesse con una malformazione al cervello. Che mamma premurosa: ha voluto evitare alla figlia una vita di sofferenza...e l'ha uccisa dopo sette mesi dal concepimento!
Prega il Signore della Vita, o carissimo angelo, perché illumini i cuori di tante mamme che non capiscono ancora il loro ruolo e la bellezza di ciò a cui sono chiamate! Pace........ ........diacono Gianpiero
Per Flavio, un bambino morto acciodentalmente prima di nascere,er caduta acciodentale della mamma..si sarebbe chiamato Flavio ed e' morto tre mesi prima della nascita.
La Famiglia si Ciamava Francesco Franchina il papa' (ora defunto) - Anna Rota la mamma (ora defunta) Il caso si riferisce a 30 anni fa... - Io sono la sorella Ester. Grazie, a presto.
nome: angel morto: 26 08 2003 per aborto Italia
I ' ll love you forever.Forgive me.
Unborn baby about 4 weeks to 6 weeks Estrella Jimenez date of abortion July 1 1996. My dear baby: Mommy should have never gave in. I was so weak and confused. I love you much and I miss you much. I pray God to keep you by His side.
As you are about to have a brother now Mommy will take good care of your brother. You are up there watching over us, be peacefull Mommy will see you one day in the future Love you always my baby Mommy
Nel honor al fratellino di mia madre, Mario, morto nel 1922 a otto giorni dalla nascita.
Luigi aborto interno alla 7° settimana. Italia
Hai acceso una speranza nel mio cuore e quello di papà. Ti vogliamo bene ma avrai deciso che non era il momento giusto per scendere tra noi e i tuoi fratelli. Ti stringo forte. Mamma Ada.
Bimbo amore mio; della famiglia Varga Haszonits. Aborto nel mese di maggio 1999. Dopo tre mesi di gestazione a Madrid.
La mamma ti pensa e ti vuole bene ,e ti chiede perdono ,sapendo che ti riabbraccerà e ti darà il suo amore quando vi riincontriate nel cielo,ti penso sempre amore mio.
In loving memory of my brother or sister who should have been born in 1994.
Jesse, you'll always be in my heart. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, but I know I'll see you with Jesus. You're in my thoughts and prayers every day. I love you, Sarah.
En honor a cuatro almas de cuatro niños a los que yo consentí que mataran. José Angel.
In honor of Drew Aguilera Loza. He was a tubal pregnancy and the first grandchild on both sides. He was about 6 weeks old. He died in March, 2003. Elva Buchanan
In honor of my Daughter Alicia Lynn Miller who was stillborn at 41 weeks of pregnancy.
We Love you and Give you to Jesus to hold until we see you again! ~ O ~
My baby was not named. I think I would have called him Matthew. He was aborted in April 1987. Forgive me Matthew for denying you the most precious gift of life.
I pray that you are safe with God and the angels.I was conquered by fear. Please forgive me. I think of you constantly. Perhaps, with God's forgiveness, we will meet again!
Dear Lord, I have 1 beautiful healthy little girl that you have given me and I love her to bits, and there's not 1 day that goes by and I don't look at her and think how lucky I am - she's the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and I. Since the birth of my daughter I have had 2 early miscarriages and I do believe deep down that this has happened for a reason and I put my trust in you. What I would like to do today is pray for my 2 losses and to let them know that no matter how young they were that they will always hold a special place in my heart and that I will always go on loving them like they werhere with me. I feel lost sometimes but I believe that you will know and tell mw when the time is right for another. I just want to thank you Lord for being always there to listen to me in my difficult times and I only say that it feels good to write it down. I put my trust in you lord and hope and pray that I will go on to have more beautiful healthy children. Please go on protecting all my loved ones. Amen. Tanks, Pauline.
R a c h e l V e r o n i c a , died in 1988 from a heart ailment aged 16 days - I knew you for 16 days, to you it was a lifetime. I love you and I miss you.
Unborn Baby Wells, died before birth in 1993 (ectopic pregnancy) - I never knew you, yet I knew you so well. I love you and I miss you.
Unborn Baby Wells, died before birth in 1997 (ectopic pregnancy) - I never knew you, I could never have you. I love you and I miss you.
Bimbo mio della famiglia Varga Haszonits. Abortato il giorno 31/12/ 2000, tre mesi di gestazione a Madrid.
La mamma ti pensa sempre e ti porta nel supo cuore e ti chiede perdono con lacertezza di poterti dare il suo amore un giorno nel cielo,ti voglio bene bimbo mio.
In memoriam Gregory Driver (unborn son of Sheila Driver) Died at 6 months pre- born..
Amber Huff (unborn daughter of Denice Huff) Died at 7 1/2 months pre-born.
Michael Lenz III (unborn son of Carrie Lenz) Died at 6 months pre-born.
All died in their mothers wombs from a terrorist a t t a c k - T h e Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19, 199. Gone but never forgotten..... Even though you were not counted among those 168 who died 9 years ago, you still are special to all of us. May you rest in peace in your mommies arms and in Jesus' care.
Baby Murray died on memorial day weekend due to an abortion. United States of America.
This baby's mother underwent a D&C abortion because the baby's heartbeat was "too slow and they said the baby might have something wrong." She said that her and her husband were "okay with it because we already have one boy and one girl and thats all we need." Let us all pray for this innocent baby and the prolife conversion of his or her parents.
Steven Howe Jr. died at the age of 10-11 weeks preborn on April 15, 2004 due to an abortion. United States of America.
LIttle Steven, your life was taken from you so brutally and way too soon. We tried so hard to save you. May you know that there is many of us down on earth that love you and I pray that our Holy Mother Mary, Jesus, and all the Angels watch over you in heaven. Pray for your mama and daddy, Steven. Love, Mommy's friend
In honor of Alfredo Luke Vazquez, born: onOctober 12, 2000 and died on November 20, 2000 from Hydenencephaly. "We miss you so much, Luke, and I'll never forget holding you close to me.
I thank you for choosing us to be your parents. We were so lucky. And I thank God, for bringing you to us, you taught us so much about love. My heart will ache for you until I see you again in Jesus' arms. I love you, baby, Mommy
Gostaria que fosse adicionado o seguinte bebe:Chama-se Lucas Andrade Albuquerque.Sua morte foi aborto.Essa criança é do Brasil. ~ O ~
In memory of the sons I lost to m i s c a r r i a g e a n d abortion I live with y o u r m e m o r y e v e r y d a y . Forgive me my sons... Mama
Il giorno 09/07/04 è volato via, nel candore del cielo, un piccolo angelo, frutto dell'amore fra mia moglie Francesca e me, il suo papà Gilberto. L'ho visto morto, così piccolo, poco umano come aspetto, ma terribilmente umano per il dolore e lo sconforto che ho provato nel vederlo
senza vita, senza diritto nemmeno ad una piccola bara, senza diritto di compassione. Ma io, quel piccolo esserino, già lo sentivo parte del mio cuore, e volevo fargli sapere che rimarrà per sempre. Arrivederci figlio mio, tuo papà Gilberto. ITALIA
In honor to Unborn Baby Judd who died in the1950's from a natural miscarriage.
To my unborn aunt, who I will never meet in this life: I love you, and I know that you are with our Blessed Mother, because my grandmother dreamed of you after you had left her womb. I pray that someday I may be able to meet you in heaven. Love, your niece, Alison - Mommy.
In memory of Judith (Natural miscarriage)
I wait for the day to see your precious face in heave so we may praise God together forever in heaven California, USA
I was approximately 2 1/2 mos. pregnant. I am sorry and ashamed to say that I ... had unprotected and unsafe sex and latter an abortion I was 18 years old, just graduated and came from a very critical and verbally abusive family therefore I felt trapped with no help, advice or moral support; to compound things and make them worse, I went to Planned Parenthood to seek guidance in a darkened room, by a very non-caring, impersonal older lady who when I told her I wanted to keep the baby or give it up for adoption said to "be realistic" and told me abortion was my only option. Also, the procedure was EXTREMELY painful, I have never forgotten it and never will, and the very insensitive doctor after the procedure told me it was a boy, had blonde hair and blue eyes.....I have never forgotten that. I would never recommend an abortion or going to Planned Parenthood for advice and help. I wish I had done something different. Thankfully, God graced me with two sons later in life that are now grown and have children of their own. Nola Crenshaw
My little unborn baby does not have a chosen name yetHe died on January 1977 due to an Abortion- D&C in the first tri- mester.
Mi bebé Patricia Madoery, murió el 21 de octubre de 1980, a los 9 meses de gestación por mala praxis
Soy de San Francisco, en la provincia de Córdoba, República Argentina. Gracias
~ O ~ Pido al nonato Jesús llene de Paz y serenidad el corazón de mi madre que aún llora sin decirlo por la perdida de un bebito M.A.S.Z, que murió antes de nacer, (varon) sería mi hermano del medio tendría más de 40 años. ~ O ~
Little unborn John-Paul Michael Gomez Jr. die at 11 weeks old on 09/11/1997 due to an Abortion To my precious baby: I am so sorry for what I have done. I regret this every day that I have lived since. I will never forgive myself for this. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I was so confused and young and I trusted your father's assurance that it was the right thing to do!! I should have been strong!!!!! I am so sorry. ~ O ~
El pequeño Moisés murió en 1961 a los 4 meses de gestación, por causa de un aborto involuntario, cuando mamá hizo un esfuerzo al separarnos a mi hermana y a que estábamos peleando.( era un precioso niño )
Perdóname pequeño ángel, yo no me puedo perdonar.Nunca te olvidé. Espero que Dios juegue contigo y te duerma en sus brazos.Te quiero. Tu hermana.
Little unborn Christopher Micheal Mikai Gregory die at 13 weeks old on 1-10-05 due to an Abortion (murdered). I love you my unborn son...I was forced to sign away your life on a little slip of paper and for that I will pay for the rest of my life...Even though I am very young I feel you know I could have given you everything and more...I hope you forgive me for the pain I caused you...I love you my baby boy...
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